




个人简介:谢燕(1978-),女,博士、研究员(三级),博士研究生导师。上海中医药大学学术荣誉体系特聘教授。上海市中医药新兴交叉学科“中医药营养学”学科带头人。上海市青年优秀学术带头人、上海市卫生健康学科带头人、上海市曙光学者、上海市浦江学者、上海市青年科技启明星。兼任世界中医药学会联合会中药制剂专业委员会理事、中国民族医药学会科普分会常务理事、上海市药学会中药专业委员会委员、上海市药学会药剂专业委会委员、上海市中医药学会养生康复分会委员,国家自然科学基金评审专家,上海市科学技术委员会评审专家库成员。Chinese Herbal Medicines《中草药》杂志青年编委;International Journal of PharmaceuticsCarbohydrate PolymersMolecular Nutrition and Food Research等多家SCI期刊特邀审稿人。20142015年,于美国康奈尔大学医学院梅赛德斯医院研究所访问学习一年。



1.Luo F#, Zhao J#, Liu S, Xue Y, Tang D, Yang J, Mei Y, Li G*, Xie Y*. Ursolic acid augments the chemosensitivity of drug-resistant breast cancer cells to doxorubicin by AMPK-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction. Biochem Pharmacol, 2022, 205, 115278 (IF=6.1)

2.Guo Y#, Liu S#, Luo F, Tang D, Yang T, Yang X, Xie Y*. A Nanosized Codelivery System Based on Intracellular Stimuli-Triggered Dual-Drug Release for Multilevel Chemotherapy Amplification in Drug-Resistant Breast Cancer. Pharmaceutics, 2022, 14(2), 422. (IF=6.525)

3.Yang X, Xie Y*. Recent advances in polymeric core-shell nanocarriers for targeted delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs. Int J Pharm, 2021, 608, 121094. (IF=6.510)

4.Sang Z, Qian J, Han J, Deng X, Shen J, Li G*, Xie Y*. Comparison of three water-soluble polyphosphate tripolyphosphate, phytic acid, and sodium hexametaphosphate as crosslinking agents in chitosan nanoparticle formulation. Carbohydr Polym, 2020, 230, 115577. (IF=9.381)

5.Liu S#, Li R#, Qian J, Sun J, Shen J, Xie Y*. The combination therapy of doxorubicin and quercetin on multidrug resistant breast cancer and their sequential delivery by reduction-sensitive hyaluronic acid-based conjugate/D-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate mixed micelles. Mol Pharm, 2020, 17, 1415-1427. (IF=4.939)

6.Wang H, Xiao Y, Wang H, Sang Z, Han X, Ren S, Du R, Shi X*, Xie Y*. Development of daidzein nanosuspensions: Preparation, characterization, in vitro evaluation, and pharmacokinetic analysis. Int J Pharm, 2019, 566:67-76. (IF=4.845)

7.Ren S#, Liu M#, Hong C, Li G, Sun J, Wang J, Zhang L, Xie Y*. The effects of pH, surfactant, ion concentration, coformer, and molecular arrangement on the solubility behavior of myricetincocrystals. Acta Pharm Sin B, 2019, 9(1): 59-73. (IF=7.097)

8.Li L#, Fu Q#, Xia M, Xin L, Shen H, Li G, Ji G, Meng Q, Xie Y*. Inhibition of P-glycoprotein mediated efflux in Caco-2 cells by phytic acid. J Agric Food Chem, 2018, 66:988-998. (IF= 3.571)

9.Li R, Xie Y*. Nanodrug delivery systems for targeting the endogenous tumor microenvironment and simultaneously overcoming multidrug resistance properties. J Control Release, 2017, 25: 49-67. (IF=7.877)

10.Deng B#, Xia M#, Qian J, Li R, Li L, Shen J, Li G, Xie Y*. Calcium phosphate-reinforced reduction-sensitive hyaluronic acid micelles for delivering paclitaxel in cancer therapy. Mol Pharm, 2017, 14:1938-1949. (IF=4.556)
